Requirements Discovery Made Easier

With 700+ Questions to Ask in 18 Organized Requirements Checklists

When you download the Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack today, you’ll get over 700 questions categorized and cross-referenced so you can prepare for your next elicitation session with a sense of ease and confidence.

  • You’ll be able to prepare more thorough meeting agendas, so you won’t have to go back to your stakeholders as many times with follow-up questions.
  • You’ll be able to review the checklists before finalizing a set of requirements and completing a final review, so you’ll discover more clear and complete requirements.
  • You’ll be asking more questions all throughout the project lifecycle, so you’ll minimize the number of missing requirements that are found during testing or after implementation.
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Become the expert in asking the right questions

The 700+ questions are organized into 18 different checklists covering core business process areas and software features in an industry-agnostic and domain-agnostic way.

Inside each checklist -- all included in Microsoft Word format so you can copy and paste the content you need into an email, agenda, or requirements document -- you'll discover:

  • A detailed description of the feature so you’ll be educated and informed about the possible scope of what you are being asked to get requirements for.
  • A list of common business applications so you use them as examples in your requirements sessions to demonstrate your competence and expertise.
  • The common business benefits or drivers for implementing or improving the feature or process area, so you can discover what the real objectives of your project are.
  • You'll also learn definitions of key concepts so you can begin clarifying key terms with your stakeholders, and eliminating unnecessary confusion.
  • Finally, you’ll find copious lists of questions to ask about the feature. The questions are drawn from my experience working as a BA in 10 different companies and reviewing hundreds of course participant deliverables. With most questions, you’ll get to review the most common types of options and answers or read through a detailed example. That way if your stakeholders don’t know how to answer a question, you have ready-at-hand information to help them think through it.

When you start applying these questions to your project, you'll not only ask better questions and gain better stakeholder engagement, but start seeing patterns that will make you an expert question-asker.

"I just downloaded the requirements checklist pack with great excitement and I just have to tell you immediately how wonderful this checklist pack is! I wish I had had it two and a half years ago when I started as a BA, but that’s OK… I am so grateful and excited to have it now! So – thank you for everything you and your team are doing, and thank you SO MUCH for this terrific checklist pack! I think I mentioned to you that I’m working on reporting requirements right now and I am excited to see them mentioned in the checklist pack along with some other types of requirements, and I believe the focus on process will be an enormous help!"

– Rachel

Let's look at how you can use the 700+ questions in any industry or BA job role

To ensure you get the maximum value out of the Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack, we’ve made sure that the questions inside are industry-agnostic and solution-independent, so they cover just about any project you’ll find yourself working on.

Whether you are working in insurance, real estate, healthcare, software, or any other business or non-profit domain, or developing a proprietary solution, buying off-the-shelf software, or implementing a business process change, you'll be able to translate the questions so they are relevant in your specific domain.

This is because they leverage patterns, and once you translate the questions to your specific project, you'll also start to learn the patterns, which increases your question asking expertise.

Communicate with Contacts - Record, manage, and maintain contacts with customers and other contacts external to your organizatio.

Connect People - How connections between two sets of people (for example job seekers and employers) are defined, created, found, encouraged, and organized.

Create Report - How to structure information to enable better business decisions.

Enable Visitors to Create Information - Define the creation, access, and adminstration of user-generated content, whether that be blogging, comments, forums, images, etc.

Fulfill Order - Define what happens from the time an order is placed until the product is delivered or the service is rendered.

Manage Customer Information - Clarify what "customer" means to your organization, and then how you will manage, update, retire, delete, and default customer accounts.

Manage Information - How to create, update, organize, or delete any kind of information, and how to handle data model changes to business-critical information isn't lost.

Manage Resources - How to manage acquiring, updating, maintaining, and retiring physical, utility, and information technnology resources.

Manage Users and Permissions - Define user set-up requirements, permission sets, and security requirements.

Manage Workflow - Submitting, reviewing, and completing any item of work that could be covered in a business process.

Market an Offer - Define requirements for marketing, lead management, tracking performance metrics, and managing leads.

Partner with External Organization - Define the offer, shared responsibilities, and implement communication plans for a successful partnership.

Present Information - How to display information in a way that serves your organization's business objectives.

Process Payment - Define payment options, processing requirements, authorization, and tracking.

Purchase Product or Service - Define how a transaction happens between a buyer and a seller, how to calculate pricing, and how to handle recurring purchases.

Respond to Disruptions in Service - Be prepared for the worst-case scenario, from identification, to notification, to resolving, to creating back-up plans.

Search for Information - Covers the end user behavior for finding information and technology requirements for indexing information.

Support Customers - Define how to handle, route, and manage customer support requests.

Let's take a quick look at everything you are about to receive

Once you download your copy of the Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack, you'll be ready to get better results out of your elicitatation sessions.

You'll receive:

  • A Requirements Discovery Guidebook walking you through how to requirements checklists and customize them for your specific project, as well as bonus content on handling common elictation challenges.
  • All 18 Requirements Checklists, containing over 700 questions categorized and cross-referenced so you can prepare for your next elicitation session with more confidence. Available in Microsoft Word format so you can copy and paste the content you need.

Download the Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack for Only $97 Today

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